Monday 11 April 2016

T.O.K essay 2 - “In gaining knowledge, each area of knowledge uses a network of ways of knowing.“ - Plan


  • Define "network" and what does the use of this word imply?
  • What are you going to consider in this essay?
  • Which two areas of knowledge (from Ethics, The Arts and History)


Cross reference your two areas of knowledge with the 8 WOKs: language, emotion, faith, reason, faith, memory, intuition, sense perception and imagination


  • The way others communicate with me both verbally and non-verbally helps shape my moral knowledge. Anger and praise help me to know that my moral reality is somewhat dependent on others’ reactions.
  • I can imagine what a world where violence and theft are tolerated would be like, and therefore I know that they are immoral.
  • Emotion; do we learn to tell the difference between right and wrong because of the way doing good or doing bad makes us feel?
  • I can remember a teacher telling me “God first, others next and yourself last”
  • Do we know what moral reality  is because we use reason as a way of knowing? If I do this, then this will happen, and this makes me choose a course of action? (consequentialist)

Area of knowledge 1:
Area of knowledge 2:

Which ways of knowing are important in each?
Why are some ways of knowing more reliable than others?
Which ways of knowing interlink with another and goes this make accurate gaining of knowledge more reliable?

Compare the two areas of knowledge and the ways of knowing they rely on.
Differences and why?
Similarities and why?


Is there ever a case where one way of knowing is enough?
To what extent do you agree with the tittle and why?

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